Derek Carr the target of parade float “joke”

Derek Carr started playing better after the boo’s in the dome. He had literally the best five game stretch of his entire career to finish the season. If this float can light a fire under his arse, then good.
Ive been thinking about fans opinions and if they should chill or are just a bunch of spoiled kids. I rode the spoiled take up until now. I now think its important that the fans continue to voice their opinions, ie boo, etc etc. Why the change of heart? Because the minute we start accepting failure is the minute we become the "Aints" Playing devils advocate with myself: Yes, but does the booing actually help or do they even notice or care? Answer: They most certainly do notice, DA if i recall, literally defended DC in a presser. (remember he said, to the media, that DC had a great game now wheres is his flowers?) Does it help, the booing and constant negative takes? Yes, because they will continue to strive to overcome the negativity, as long as its based off of truth and not hatred. (its like using fear as a motivator) Can booing ever be wrong? Yes. If the booing isnt called for and it becomes a tool of hate, then the negativity gets absorbed into the culture (like the bag heads over time) then it'll lose its effectiveness. The moral: Be fair and be loud.