Derek Carr the target of parade float “joke”

In passing on twitter, I read that Carr was on a float and thought to myself "finally trying to endear himself to the city, maybe there is some hope for him". Then I found out that this is what was meant. Brutal for him, but not unexpected. He's going to have to try a bit harder to become a fan favorite, but I'll bet he's nowhere near NO during the off season. He doesn't seem like the type that's going to make NO his home 12 months a year.
He's next up on stage right after Drew Brees dropped the mic. Thats an impossible situation. For him to gain NOLAs love, he'll have to endure extra and unfair criticism. And he'll have to endure it for at least another year or 2. (Technically he could win the crowd, if they over achieve next year. But the chances of that happening in a completely new offensive system is not likely)