Derek Carr the target of parade float “joke”

In passing on twitter, I read that Carr was on a float and thought to myself "finally trying to endear himself to the city, maybe there is some hope for him". Then I found out that this is what was meant. Brutal for him, but not unexpected. He's going to have to try a bit harder to become a fan favorite, but I'll bet he's nowhere near NO during the off season. He doesn't seem like the type that's going to make NO his home 12 months a year.

I think it's a bit much to expect a guy from California who played for another team in two cities for 9 years to embrace New Orleans. The culture here has to be incredibly foreign to him. Of course Bridgewater, and to some extend Jameis, embraced NOLA and they both go the love back. Especially Bridgewater.

That being said the quote above from Brees is right. I you love NOLA it will love you back but what he didn't say is if you don't love NOLA it will tell you to go away. Carr doesn't really seem to fit the culture and I don't get the feeling he loves NOLA. But, you don't have to love NOLA to be the Saints QB and if he does win enough games, NOLA will love him anyway.