Why do you dislike Hillary Clinton?

Hank Clinton says that she has experience, but that is like Peyton Manning's wife saying that she has experience reading defenses. She did have that disastrous health care thing going for her. Yes! I would love to go to Walter Reed for my hospital! Staph infections are fun! If the feds can't handle a small bit of health care, why do we think they can handle all of health care?? I went to an emergency room in Edmonton Canada when I was there. I was excited to see how it was run. There were homeless people sleeping all over the emergency room, and it took my manger about 4 hours to be seen for her rash outbreak that she had. It was the dirtiest ER that i had ever seen. Just think of how the people in the US with their demands of everything being given to them will handle free health care. They will live there. Why not? Its free rent and food. If they make you leave, just go back the next day with a new complaint. You aren't paying for it. It will make the "wealthy" pay for premium (non-gov. sponsored health care). Oh they will still pay for the public health care through taxes, but they will have the option to pay a premium for private care. (Just like the current education system is, and we all know how great that is)