Derek Carr the target of parade float “joke”

Please point me to the Chaos float that made fun of Drew Brees for having a weak arm his last few years. Or any number of floats that could've been dedicated to any number of disappointing Saints over the years.

I appreciate a joke as much as anyone I know but I think some things are off limits.
You and I both know that Carr took he high road on the issue. That was the only public response he could give. You and I also know what he probably said in the privacy of his home.
But the thing is we definitely don’t “know” what he “probably” said about it in the privacy of his home.

Why can’t we take his comment as genuine and playing on the fun/humor/zaniness of Mardi Gras?

If anything, I think Carr might have gained fans over this. And the important thing to remember is that he is not the 1st New Orleans/Louisiana athlete this float thing has happened to. He wasn’t even the only one during that parade.