Derek Carr the target of parade float “joke”

You are asking the wrong question. They still have red lobster here. Because people with bad food taste, still need to eat somewhere.
If you come to New Orleans and you eat at Chipotle, Red Lobster etc. You are not a bad person, heck Drew bought Jimmy Johns franchises in a town full of legendary po boy shops (parkway bakery) has been open for over a hundred yrs.

We still love Drew, but his a$$ is on napkins if he comes to the cook out. If you want all the color to drain out of our faces, just tell us Chipotle, Red Lobster, Apple bees, etc. is your favorite restaurant.
"People with 'bad' food taste..." you do realize is entirely subjective? 'Bad' according to who? No food is 'bad'. Certainly health impact can vary depending on what you eat, but I would say different strokes applies very much to food.

Further, people's tastes do change over time. Some of the stuff I enjoyed as a kid, I can barely touch now, and other things I swore off, I eat regularly now.