I hope Kubiak doesn't call games like Kyle

He’s a 3x SB champion at 28, he could retire tomorrow and he’d be an undisputed top 5 QB ever. Not sure what you mean by letting his career play out, it’s already one of the best ever.
Tom Brady had 3 SBs at 27 when some of the greatest who has every touched a football were still on the field and the consensus was he still has a way to go. All I said is I want to see his career playout. Yall see him as one of the best ever while I just see him as the best who has played in a QB friendly, elite system. And that's not a knock against him; I just watch the games and know that the vast majority of his passes are screens, dump offs, and show throws to his first or second read in space, although we do get those highlight throws..lol.