Cleveland State Debate tonight...

Obama is almost like a political Ali -- float like a butterfly - sting like a bee -- I mean she has got to be frustrated cause she never seems to be able to land a glove on him -- he dances -- he ducks -- then he counterpunches ---

The I have to say that its apparent Russert wants her to quit the campaign -- I am a Hillary hater I admit -- but I thought that they were much tougher on her then him. He is brilliant at sidestepping questions though -- a few times he never came close to answering the question but was not called on it -- Her facial expressions said it all -- she looked at him with total hatred the whole time -- she also looked defeated --

MSNBC has been carrying Obama's water ever since he won Iowa and made himself a pausible nominee. If a candidate forced my colleague off the air for a weak double entendre, I'd remember that in debate.

Too bad CBS doesn't have a news cable outlet. Katie Couric would have been a sympathetic moderator. As Ann Coulter delicately put it, "I don't understand the complaint about lesbian porn on TV. If I wanted to see that, I'd watch a Couric-Hillary interview."