Jameis Winston: “I would love to stay in NOLA forever”

Maybe. I believe none of those TD’s came in 2 games. I will say I could be wrong I just seem to remember SP was very conservative with him. I felt like that last game he was finally let loose and he got hurt. To quote Tiffany “
Could've been so beautiful, Could've been so right.”

Well never quoted Tiffany before so I’ve got that going for me.
It wasn't that SP was being conservative but we couldn't get a true offense installed until a starter was named. That's how I knew that there were issues with Russ in that offense. Russ was the undisputed starter going into training camp and had that entire offseason, preseason, and most of the season and it looked like he was still limited in the offense. We saw the offense opened for Winston in 7 weeks with none of that.