Why do you dislike Hillary Clinton?
>>think that you qualified yourself as an idealog, anyone that tries to defend Jimmy carter as being a good president is obviously blind to reality. Nice honest, respectable guy, absolutely - good president, note even close. It's too ridiculous of a position to even argue.
I've certainly never said he was the greatest president in history (I go with Madison, most disagree with that too). I think he was better than Reagan and W and have said why. Most people disagree with that, I don't really care. Corruption and underhandedness weigh big in my analysis. Regardlessly, I am not an idealogue and think that people who are are pretty much dense. What? You're going to allow some think tank to give you an idealogy or code to live your life and think by? Congratulations.
>>And if by pointing out a link to another site that raises some questions that threatens your beliefs is too much to for you to handle without insulting me, I feel sorry for you.
No. It didn't answer the question. It was clear that you were being smirkish with your, "I'm not saying, I'm just saying." Now had you said, "I disklike Hillary (the point of the thread) becuase Vince Foster's death seemed to be swept under the rug, I know his family, and they didn't get a fair investigation," that's something different.
>>I usually enjoy reading your posts, but you seem to have become very conceited and I think you should be more open minded and practice what you preach. Imho, you sound like a leftwing Clinton apologist with comments like this
You are again, wrong. I don't apologize for the Clintons. I don't vote for the Clintons any more than I vote for Reagans or Bushes. If you want to do that, fine. It's a completely bogus charge. For anyone to even call the Clinton's "leftwing" pretty much proves the point that you really don't know what you're talking about politically and are just borrowing some VRWC hatespew (as originally charged). My online persona isn't about conceit either unless you would disqualify someone for knowing they are right and routinely proving that they are. Let's face it, we all know that I am a better poster than just about anyone on this and most other forums I participate in. Others bring the talking points, but I deliver the truth. You don't have to like it. You can criticize it as much as you want. But Truth [tm] is immortal. You can hate it, fight it or get to the point where you believe the lies that you tell yourself. It doesn't matter to me. However, in the very rare instances that I am wrong, I come out and admit it because I am man enough to do so.