Why do you dislike Hillary Clinton?
>>Not to threadjack, but why in the world do you think Madison was the greatest president? I mean, he wasn't a bad president, but I don't think he would merit #1 overall.
Overall body of work I guess. I really appreciated his side in the debates with Hamilton (as best as I understand them) and think that his contribution of the Bill of Rights makes America what it is. Overall, I think his input into the Constitution (he being the Father) and his fight for checks and balances proved his greatness long before he became the president. While there were certainly a lot of problems during his administration (not the least of which was the burning down of the White House), the end of the wars and defeat of the British at the Battle of New Orleans put us on a path to greatness and ushered in nationalistic fervor which (IMHO) was good for the country at that time and led us seamlessly into the Monroe Doctrine. Also, his wife makes good pastries. :9:
I realize that arguments could be made for Washington, Lincoln, Jefferrson, FDR, etc., but I always liked Madison. I think he was perhaps the greatest thinker to become President and wrote the protections and freedoms into our system that we still enjoy today.