All things Florida Man

I didn’t realize horse rustling was still a thing

Seems like an 1800s kinda thing

Terrible crime, hope they catch these guys soon

Authorities in south Florida are searching for a gang of horse rustlers who stole and slaughtered three animals for meat, including one used in therapy sessions for children with autism and cognitive disabilities.

The horses were taken from a remote area of Redland, near Homestead, and their carcasses were discovered on Friday by officers from the Miami-Dade police department’s agricultural and environmental crimes section.

“They looked up and saw some vultures, and they said: ‘Let’s see where it leads us,’” detective Alvaro Zabaleta said at a news conference.

The incident is the latest in a number of similar thefts in the region, heightening fears that a new group of criminals is targeting horses for meat, which is then sold as an alternative to commercially available cuts of beef or pork, often at higher prices.

Zabeleta warned that buying horsemeat on the black market comes with health risks because of the medications administered to the animals to keep them healthy, such as high-dose Ivermectin for deworming.

“Just because it’s expensive doesn’t make it a delicacy,” he said.

Last month, CBS Miami reported, two horses were slaughtered in a neighboring area of south-west Miami and their bodies found in pieces.

In December, a Hialeah resident, Alain Arencibia-Diaz, was arrested in a sting operation in which he is alleged to have tried to sell 40lb of meat from a horse he had killed to an undercover officer. He is scheduled to appear in court in March.……..