You got this. I was at ~268 in December when my Doctor told me about my liver. I was down to 253/254 on 6 Jan when we left for the Philippines and maintained that for the 3 weeks there. After we got back on 26 Jan, I slowly trended down to 243.4-243.6 which has been the case for about 4-5 days straight, including this morning. I don't have a goal weight, but I haven't been 205 in about 20 years and I was in the 220-230 range for my 30s, but most of that was muscle mass. I think my goal is somewhere less than 220 which would allow me to carry some muscle mass, but get rid of the fat around my abdomen. In my daily 16/8 now and will probably attempt my first 48 hour fast starting tomorrow (last meal tonight).