Yeah, I find FB mostly worthless these days. It's fun to post a joke or meme, or a picture of your family - and see your friends doing the same, but these days it's so full of adds, posts from groups I don't belong to, and various promotions of reels and whatnot that it just (perhaps ironically) feels empty and no longer a "connecting" place..
Whereas platforms like Twitter and Threads offer a completely different experience on interacting with the world at large as opposed to your friends or community. Despite joining Twitter in 2009 and being a big fan of it, I deleted my account after Musk's management revealed some very serious flaws (features?) that were completely obvious to me by the time the Hamas attack and Israeli response occurred. I have been on Threads for months now and essentially have most of what I used to get from Twitter - but in either application, I'm far more interested in that than anything Facebook has to offer.