Why do you dislike Hillary Clinton?

>>Again I repeat.. there's really nothing I like about her and how much she flip flops her stance based on the crowd she's speaking to is a huge turnoff (not as much as her cankles).

I don't so much care about the cankles as much as she tailors what she says to whom she says it.

>>That said I really just feel like we're screwed regardless with the "choices" we have.

I disagree completely. I'm pretty happy about McCain and Obama right now who were the two candidates I had hoped would emerge as nominees for their respective parties. Nader's in and the Libertarian convention is in the summer, and you never know if anyone else like Bloomberg might end up running as an independent. So I've got 3 choices now, each with an opportunity to lose my vote. McCain does it by playing to the base of the GOP and choosing hard right running mate or social conservative Anti-American. Obama loses it by picking Hillary or failing to nominate a credible VP. The Libertarians lose it by nominating another angry white guy. But as for now, I'm okay with the front runners.