
Cool. Maybe we'll follow other countries' lead now and have free universal healthcare.
I agree with good, serviceable across-the-board free universal health care but seriously charging people in some European countries to use the bathroom in train stations, sometimes restaurants, supermarkets where here in most U.S. cities, simply stopping at a local Wal-Mart or Walmart Neighborhood store or a gas station and relieving one self for no charge is bullshirt and ridiculous and a slick, cash grab that I don't understand.

I find it more then a bit stupid and borderline unethical to even charge people small sums to take a piss or sheet in a bathroom. I know in countries like Australia in hospitals patients have to pay to watch T.V.'s in their hospital rooms or its added as a write-off, but making hospital patients pay to watch their TVs isn't the same as compelling them also to pay a little bit of money to use the bathroom because they have a bad case of diarrhea or even worse, gastroenteritis.