What browsers yall using?
I detest the near-monolopy that google has created. Also they're about to kill off third-party cookies, which at first might seem great... except the new system will replace them with a new solution under their control
https://www.vox.com/recode/2021/3/3/22311460/google-cookie-ban-search-ads-trackingAs Recode
pointed out last year, Google will still collect your first-party data — that is, what you do when you’re using its products, like YouTube and Search — and it will target ads to you based on it. That first-party data becomes even more valuable to advertisers as third-party data sources dry up.
(Then there is this recent settlement)
So I say no to all the chrome-based browsers (which most of them are based off these days - brave, vivaldi, edge etc) The only two main exceptions these days are firefox and apple's safari browser.
TLDR; I've been using firefox since before it was called firefox (essentially the spiritual successor to Netscape Navigator)