No more ambush, new rule forces teams to let the other team know they are doing an onside kick

They have no competition. A regular season afternoon game beats or nearly beats the NBA finals.
And MLB has become so regionalized it barely gets any national coverage anymore. And hockey is almost exclusively a northeastern sport.
Heck, the NFL Draft outdraws every other sport!
But I'll be honest: I'm not sure how long it will outdraw every other sport if they take all the fun of out of watching it.

I'd rather be at a hockey game than a football game 100 times out of a 100, but I will readily admit hockey does not translate to television anywhere nearly as well as the other major sports.

And as much as I used to dislike baseball, I'd rather watch a baseball game now than an NFL game because 1) I don't trust the integrity of the NFL and 2) the rule changes already implemented make it a less interesting game than it used to be.