Self Checkout

I really don't like the tip requests when a service wasn't actually provided. I routinely set it at zero. And totally see why customers would feel guilt-tripped into tipping because it looks like something that is expected or required when it's really not. Honestly, I think tipping needs to be done away with entirely.

Pay your employees a living wage and be done with it imo.
I went to Loft 18 (virtual golf and games) this weekend with a small group and prepaid for a "lane" for two hours at $60 per hour. I set it up online myself a few days before and when I came in, all the front desk rep hand to do was pull up my reservation and turn the screen around for me to pay. It had the tip prompt! There was no way I was tipping 20% on top of $120 for a screen flip! I declined the tip completely.