The Science of Fasting

I'm glad they are catching up. I'm sure they could get more participants and details in this thread than the 12 they managed tho.

Short version, protein changes occur after three days and found much longer than that is dangerous. We've heard that from Jamnadas for a few years now.

I'm skeptical. Sounds like the article is trying to dissuade people from intermittent fasting. Surprise, the billion dollar medical(and food) industry doesn't want you doing something that can help you be healthy without the intervention of drugs or medical assistance. We know sure fire the food industry doesn't want people fasting. I have been noticing a lot of doctors, nutritionists and gym-bro influencers of late trying to push back against fasting, protein, and the use of CGMs. These industries do not want people to be healthy, between then food and drug industries we are talking hundreds of billions of dollars.

I made two major changes in the last couple years that have dramatically changed my health. I went to a very high protein and fat diet(which is mostly saturated fats as well), and I have been doing intermittent fasting for roughly the same amount of time. eating window between 10:30am-5:30pm. I lost 50lbs, completely eradicated gerd, heartburn and IBS.