Obama's Foreign Policy Advisor Owns Tucker.

why do people say neo-con now. it almost sounds nazi-esque. neo-con is a term from what the 50's or 60's. neo-cons dont do democracy at gun point. what did you want us to do with iraq? let sadam or his sick sons take over iraq once the UN sanctions were lifted and either use or then build WMD's? sell to terriost. this is the first time the usa had a very public and major terriost attack in modern times. what are we suppose to do? invading iraq at the time seem to be the right choice. now al we need to do is fix what we can, let them support themselves then leave. Everything they say about pakistan is they want freedom and like us blah blah. yeah the same people liked bhutto as well. it seems to be iraq part 2. support the people not the president of pakistan? ok we going to invade to over throw him now? bush would be seen as the "cowboy" he is. we have no idea what those psychos over there want.

as sam kinison use to say about the starving people in africa and the middle east as to relieve efforts and food. he said instead of food send u-hauls. these people dont even know anything over there. some are educated but to live in that society and then have no means of escape is terrible. but we arent nation builders are we? pakistan is just another war.

Man you are really misrepresenting what Susan Rice is saying, nowhere did she even mention invasion. The term neo-con is used because thats what its founders Irving Kristol, Wolfowitze, Perle and others called themselves. And no Iraq was never the smart move if you payed attention at the time. You also seem to be suggesting that 9/11 was somehow linked to Iraq and Saddam. They had no WMDs, hadn't for nearly a decade and especially no nukes, never. Even pre-invasion, Hans Blix made the very public UN statement AFTER Saddam let UN weapons inspectors in with no pre-conditions that he had found nothing.

And yes Neo-cons do believe in democracy at gunpoint if necissary. They fundamentally still believe in a form of imperialism. Don't believe me read any of the books on the subject written by their own advocates and founders. And Neocons arent an old 60s and 70s group or term, they only trully came to positions of power half way through Reagans term, and then again in Bush Jrs. You may recall people like Kristol, wolfowitz, Perle, all Neocons.