Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts

Well Duncan did make sure to throw in a few paragraphs about his "moody and at-times difficult personality" and off the field stuff. It was not just regurgitation of a press release announcing his release - he got into some of the dirty laundry the team wants out there about CGM - which is Mike's point.
It’s factual events that happened though. Thomas did have run-ins with teammates and coaches. He showed malcontent behavior on his twitter account by embarrassing his QB and FO multiple times live during games and after the season just recently. It’s Duncan’s job to report everything about the team and players from a balanced, unbiased POV. He can’t get mad at Duncan for reporting factual events about his career, the good and the bad, without taking major accountability about himself. MT is quick to publicly trash someone on the team or reporter covering the team but never holds himself accountable for anything he does wrong amongst the team.