Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts

Yeah I've always disliked him being called slant boy. He's always been referred to as that by my friends who aren't Saints fans. That's pretty much how he's viewed around the league, outside of us Saints fans. He was more than that to me.
Also have to take into account that he didn’t necessarily take up for Drew after the whole debacle during Covid and his controversial comments about standing for the National Anthem. I’m not blaming him for Drew retiring. It looks like his shoulder dictated that more than anything. However, how bad must it feel to have your recipient of hard work and prep say that “they forgive you” for speaking your mind. Yet, they do it every time slighted. He could have easily been a leader in this situation but he chose to be a follower. Turning point in both careers at least in my opinion.