Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts

Like the book title you mentioned. The Saints became closely associated with bagheads when Saints fans faithfully wore bags on their heads at games during 4 sloppy losing seasons with Ditka and Mora, 7 straight losing seasons overall in the 90s.
The bag heads goes back to the 1-15, 1980 season under Dick Nolan. The 1-15 season followed an 8-8 season of promise. Many take issue with the original bag heads, but at the time the unknown comic was pretty popular and it was done in a fun way. The unknown comic did his comedy routine with a bag over his head. You had to be there and know the times.

I believe we also went into that season having drafted a kicker/punter in THE FIRST ROUND! He was soon relegated to just being a punter which made things more painful.