Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts

Sorry I haven’t read every page yet, but he thinks the Saints are slandering him to make him less valuable? That’s how messed up this cat is in the head. The Saints would love nothing more than for every team in the league to think he is healthy, not a distraction,
Underpaid, not a mental case, etc. But unfortunately Mike makes that impossible. What do the Saints have to gain from making him look bad?

Reminds me of Rick Pitino describing the difference between coaching in the pros compared to college. If you have a disgruntled problem player, in college you bench him. In the pros, you feed him the ball and make him the focal point for a few weeks and then trade him. Mike is accusing the Saints of cutting off their nose to spite their face. Somehow, Mike saying Duncan has said things in the past that didn’t come true equals Mike being a poster boy franchise player.