Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

He must have gone to the Mary Jo White school of investigation. Here’s some money to come to this conclusion. Answer no questions. Thank you. Job well done.

I respect and appreciate the job law officers do and the perils they face. But when the system overtly covers for them when egregious mistakes or abuse occurs it doesn’t help the strained relationship with the public. LEO’s are human and make mistakes. There has to be some accountability.

I'll never forget that terribly staged press conference, Abbott and his ilk/followers don't really care about these folks, just how it reflects on them.....His "strategy" was to congratulate LE there, nothing else to see, carry's a sick mentality that will lead to more bloodshed.....

Your last paragraph is spot on, totally agreed.....