(1) ...First...knowing that Obama is an ultra left wing candidate, she should have been a lot more like her husband was....comparing the achievements of her husband to that of Bush..... pointing out the economical upswing under Clinton, and the apparent McGovernite approach of Obama. That right there would have made him look like being part of the ultra left wing, while she would have looked like a moderate. She missed on that big time....people loved her husband, and that would have reminded them of the good days of Clinton.
Then the hypothethical question of Tim Russell.... another huge opportunity missed by her "waffling" non response. Obama seized the moment, and looked so much more presidential, when he declared that as pres. he needs to protect the US interest abroad, and yes! He would send the troops back. Home run for Obama....and Hillary just not a fast thinker when cornered.
(3)... But the biggest missed opportunity was with the Farakhan question... She had him on the defense. They all were bogged down with the nuances of "reject Farakhan " as the same as "renounce Farakhan"! - She SHOULD have said, "But Senator Obama, next Sunday you'll be back in your church shaking and holding hands with the pastor who gave Farakhan that lifetime achievement award and the people who not only applauded them, but agreeing for the most part with minister Farakhan.....right???" He would have been checkmated on that one! This would have been a knockout punch by her, and would have made Obama look pretty much on the fringe! A mistake I can assure you McCain WILL NEVER MAKE! I'm not a McCain supporter, but I have seen McCain attack like a bulldog, once he seizes a favorable moment. He already accuses both Hillary and Obama of being wrong on Iraq.....and right now he is winning that debate!