Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts

It’s not ok to critique your coworkers in public. Never ok to publicly criticize your QB, any teammate, any coworker after an important playoff loss or at any point. Especially one that’s as respected as Brees and has done a lot for Thomas’ career during his productive seasons. It’s no defense for it. It’s childish and classless. We mever see that behavior from our team captains. They understand what accountability is.
Is a quarterback above criticism (HOF or not)?

Did Carr not call out his receivers this season (which caused MT to come to their defense)? So can a quarterback go after teammates, but others can’t go after them? What are the rules to this game?

I’m thankful for what MT did for the Saints while he was here, and I hate the current direction of this team, so I appreciate him shining a light on this dumpster fire on his way out.