Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts

Is it wrong to say your quarterback can’t throw deep when everyone from the opponent to your own fan base are saying it? What he said wasn’t opinion, it was in fact the truth. So him saying it doesn’t make it any worse.

So once again, is it taboo to say that a dead man is dead?
It’s wrong to publicly let everyone know your QB can’t throw deep after your team just lost a playoff game that was the last of the QB’s career. It doesn’t benefit anyone involved to put that in the public. It’s scapegoating and reflects a guilty conscience of one not doing enough themselves. Don’t want anyone to blame him so he blames the QB.

It’s very easy to say “We couldn’t get the job done. We didn’t execute plays the way we wanted to.” Or “we could have focused on certain plays better.”

Rather than publicly point out a teammate’s limitation after you just lost an important game