Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts

Absolutely. Imagine Marques Colston or Reggie Bush saying that about Drew after that playoff loss if it was during their Saints tenures. It’s unfathomable. They were the epitome of professionalism and leading by example. The 125-1405 and 149-1705 seasons doesn’t change that MT is a trash teammate just towards the QB when things aren’t going ok.

Said this in another thread, but I have it on pretty good authority that MT is one of the biggest jerks you’ll ever meet in real life. He may do charitable stuff here and there, but he treats people very poorly, and has made a lot of enemies within Saints headquarters, especially after getting paid. His Twitter persona is really reflective of that as well.

The fact he doesn’t have teammates either past or present sticking up for him or throwing him fairwells, making appreciation posts, defending him on social media etc. tells you all you need to know.

This is a Saints legend leaving, and none of his teammates seem to have a desire to show that they care one bit, at least none that I’ve seen.