Funny memes

I’ll give you the starting years, but the only way you can enjoy Pink Floyd is on mushrooms, at least that’s how I enjoy Pink Floyd. There are more hits from Led Zeppelin. Then from Pink Floyd.

That's just so gracious of you.....maybe do a little research before proclaiming such inane BS.....

"hits" have never been any kind of barometer to me and as someone pointed out LZ did a lot of covers, like nearly all of their bluesy sounding tunes they didn't even write....I like a lot of them for sure as I like a lot of the stuff they did write.....

BUT, PF was a truly original band with a different soundscape than any before or since, if you need to get high to enjoy them I guess that's just too bad....I enjoy listening to them straight, high or otherwise....

But as to which band is better? Only the individual listener can determine....they are markedly different