Saints released Michael Thomas per Duncan; Thomas & Winston are Post-June 1 cuts

Just checking. Do we still have that bet going for next years attendance? The one where I bet the % of attendance will continue to drop, and you bet that it won’t?

Just standing on business here.
Standing on other bad-faith pedantry*

The seats are gone, they’re not coming back, the concourses have been widened and the work is expected to all be done by August. Once it’s all finalized, I expect that they’ll update the actual capacity instead of continuing to use old data. For 2023, the Saints averaged 70,020 fans per game in 8 home games. Low attendance was 70,003 (week 4 vs TB, week 13 vs DET), high attendance was 70,072 (week 18 vs ATL). Your hypothesis that increased disillusionment with the team/coach/QB directly led to lower reported attendance simply doesn’t hold up - attendance increased despite the team’s late-season reduced likelihood of making the playoffs, with 70,009, 70,038, and 70,072 attending the remaining home games after tying the low mark of 70,003.

I pointed out that the actual stadium capacity just hasn’t been updated; that is much closer to accurate, as demonstrated in several news articles I previously shared with you, now borne out with a consistent number that suggests something closer to “consistently sold out” than “consistently filled only to exactly 95% capacity because the fans hate the coach but in a way that causes only a mere 5% attendance dip.” Both the 2022 season’s Superdome-only home game attendance average of 70,076 (there was a London game to factor out) and 2021’s Superdome-only home game attendance always being exactly 69,170 amidst Covid precautions (there was a “home” game played in Jacksonville to factor out) further support my claim that “attendance only dropped because the seats physically do not exist anymore, having been removed prior to the start of the 2021 season.”

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