Justin Fields traded to the Steelers for a conditional 6th round pick

Well, since teams in the process of trying to trade players go through that process with the intention of getting as much value as they can, clearly the market disagreed with you.

If someone wanted him more, they would have offered more. Teams don't just call one other team and then say, 'A conditional sixth? Sounds fair, let's not even bother to make any other calls. Get the paperwork into the league and let's go for lunch.'

I think this is a part of the league that people don't understand. There are 32 teams, everybody knows EVERYBODY else. When it's time for a transaction to occur, you figure most teams have a "do not call list" composed of the three other teams in their division and maybe a very short list of other rivals that they might not do business with. Now, let's say the Bears put it out on the NFL grapevine that they will be trading Fields. This wasn't a "might" trade when they eventually take a conditional 6th, it's a....we ARE trading this guy, so bring your offers now. So, 28 teams at most are in play. Bears say, call us soon. These 28 teams look at Fields and what, 80% say...nope, not even worth a 7th rounder. Maybe one team says, we'll trade you a conditional 7th, another says, we will trade you a guy who is our second punter and the Steelers say....conditional 6th and Bears say....SOLD!

The other teams knew what was happening, they all basically said nope. Same as when Saints shipped that "safety" who shall not be named to Philly. You don't think word got around to the other NFL teams and none of them wanted him for more?

These things don't happen in a vacuum. The Bears wouldn't trade Fields to the Vikings, Lions or Packers for a 5th, but you can be sure, no other teams actually offered a 5th for him. Sure, somebody like Sean Payton will say in 3 years that they would have given the Bears a 5th if they had "known" he was available if he lights it up, but no...... the "NFL" insiders knew he was available and nobody wanted him.