Justin Fields traded to the Steelers for a conditional 6th round pick

So, you are going to celebrate a 9-8 record with the weakest schedule we will probably ever see in the worst division in the NFL? That's what I mean by context, it's totally absent.....see below because DA and Carr supporters hate when you bring logic/context into the discussion because all the excuses, even enough to fill the Mariana trench (thanks to whomever used this first, it's fitting) can't change the reality of last year, it was a disaster.....

I don't hate Carr or DA, that's the twist, I hope they prove me wrong this year, but I'm not about to sugar coat or explain away the absolute failure of a season that was last year.....bringing reality into an argument makes one a "hater" I guess.....
I think giving DA and Carr a mulligan and seeing how they do next season with a different offensive scheme and hopefully more weapons on offense is reasonable. Saying it’s all a wash because of last season is an overreaction. If you’re going to be that down on the two then at least give your alternative. Do you really think we would have been better with Justin Fields over Carr?