Things That Make You Feel Old

When you’re on your daily run, which you’ve been doing for years now, and your big toe on your right foot starts hurting like crazy. You figure maybe you stepped poorly and it will just be sore for a few hours. Then those few hours turn into days. Then you think maybe you sprain something or even tore a ligament, so you get with your doc for a consult.
After testing, a sprain, tear, break, and even gout are all ruled out.
Dude you have arthritis in your right, big toe. Here, rub some Voltaren(tm) gel on it and good luck. Nothing else can be done.
Trust me... the medical profession is making a fortune simply because when people approach the age of 60 they start feeling new aches & pains that convince them something is seriously wrong with them. So they reach out to doctors to get the problem 'fixed'. Rather than explain to these patients what is really happening to them, the doctor(s) will instruct them to schedule appointments with them every 2 to 3 weeks for the rest of their of their life... or as long as the health insurance holds out; whichever comes first.

The rest of your life is spent convincing yourself that all these doctor visits are worth it because you are doing better than a lot of people your age. All the while your doctor is scheduling you for every test that is even remotely covered by your insurance & prescribing every pill designed to treat your particular symptom(s) with the goal of finding one with side effects that aren't quite as bad as the problem you originally came in with.

People just can't accept that the issues you have is the price of getting old. And very few of those issues are actually 'fixable'. No doctor can save your life. They can only postpone your death. BTW- after a few trips to the doctor, I gave up on getting my big toe fixed. :cry: