NFL meeting to ban hip drop tackles.. (Update: Now banned)

I still don’t understand what this even means. Been around football my whole life and never heard the term “hip drop tackle” until this past year.

How are defenders supposed to tackle someone they’re chasing without grabbing their legs and dragging them down?

This is going to be a mess to enforce.

EDIT: Did some further research on this as to what a hip drop tackle is, its usage frequency per the league data, etc., and actually now feel this rule change is being way overblown.

My thoughts on the subject are here, for anyone that actually cares about what I have to say on this subject lol:

Not sure which side you’re admonishing here, but I both played and coached ball, and the idea of simply wrapping someone’s legs up without subsequently then twisting/contouring myself and lunging the full weight of my body into his knees and ankles isn’t that hard to fathom nor is it that hard to coach out of the relatively few guys that like to do it.

This technique is something that only recently came en vogue (a la when people suddenly started horse-collaring in the late 90s/early 00s), it is rarely being used (.84 per game, which is a whole 60% increase from the previous year), and its legislation out of the game isn’t going to affect the quality of play to the degree many are acting like it will.

This feels like a classic case of monkey-see monkey-do unwarranted social media outrage, including by some of the players.