NFL meeting to ban hip drop tackles.. (Update: Now banned)

Have you ever had your lower leg snapped?
Dislocated ankle … destroyed ligaments and tendons … way worse than a break that heals in a few months … and I’ve had a clean tib-fib“snap break” also … but if you actually read my post, it says I believe lower leg contact is illegal … but grabbing someone who’s in front of you from behind and swinging your whole body out to the side and sitting down doesn’t feel like a penalty to me … lower leg injuries will always be a part of football, often with no contact at all. … I’m a little dude who played defense and was taught to use leverage and hit someone low, slide down and clinch their knees together. You can take someone who outweighs you by a 100 pounds down that. … as I said in my post, I disagree TO A DEGREE, meaning I agree with some of your thinking. But let’s not get carried away here, it’s football. I’m 60 and admittedly was also taught to use my helmet as a weapon way back when 🤷🏻‍♂️ … not spearing, because you have just as much of a chance to hurt yourself worse … I was taught to hit someone and if they were running you over to slide your helmet up and pop them under their chin … totally illegal and I’m good with it. … But I love FULL-CONTACT football … rules are fine … when thought out and not taken too far.