NFL meeting to ban hip drop tackles.. (Update: Now banned)

If thats a foul the NFL has now become unwatchable, how you stop someone that can pull a car with a rope tied to their waste, if you cant use your weight to stop their momentum their just going carry you to the endzone, or you have to slow them down until your teamates stand infront of which would be like 15 to 20 yds anyway. At this point it should be 30 yrd firstdowns
You can still hit them low. Even wrap their legs up. The rule is you can’t drop the weight of your body onto their lower legs (below knee) and trap their legs under you. I think the wording of the rule needs to be cleaned up and clarified but I don’t have a problem with this particular tackle being removed from the game.

Every thing I’ve read from the players seems to indicate their resistance to this rule stems from the wording of it and not wanting another vague rule that impacts games. And I agree. But I haven’t seen anything where they stated that the hip drop wasnt dangerous. They just don’t like the possibility for confusion.