NFL meeting to ban hip drop tackles.. (Update: Now banned)

I for the life of me cannot seem to fathom why they’d want to ban that. Why do they insist on ruining their product? How are players supposed to tackle on offense. This is getting old. Really old…..

If this gets through…I’m done. No more NFL. I can’t take this non sense anymore. It’s football. It’s a contact sport.

What are your thoughts?
I rarely come here anymore just because my interest in football has dramatically dropped off a cliff in in the last 3 years.

I used to be here every day even in the slowest of times over the years all day every day for more than a couple of decades. I even forgot about free agency this year. I decided to pop in while listening to a gaming podcast and see this.

I am done with the NFL as a hobby but like I said I was done although I did enjoy the Superbowl. They have now officially neutered the sport. Lingerie football is a tougher sport than the NFL. The NFL has turned into track stars running around in tiny pads no one can tackle and QB's that are overpaid to underperform on the whole.

This is a horrible rule but I am sure there will be more at this point just put flags on them and eliminate kick offs and punt returns and just spot the ball at the 25 at each change of possession...bleh.

It started out as a financial thing not being able to get the Sunday ticket but once you detach and then look at the state of the game it's horrible and a shame.

Hopefully the Saints can win another and I am glad we won a Superbowl when the game was still decent.