I think DA is Getting Year 4

I think Dennison will get a lot out of that unit. McCoy is still a top Center. Ruiz has potential for bounce back and lets not forget that Salidevri will be going into his 2nd year. There's a lot of young talented guys on the oline, it's not like that group is old. You land a young stud Tackle in the draft and suddenly the majority of the oline is under 27 years of age. It's not old and in shambles, just young and developing.

I like your optimism and certainly respect your opinions, but I can't really share the optimism. I just see so many unknows in Saldiveri, Penning, and Young with so few guarantees. Getting the right guy in the draft would certainly help, but without Ram you still have to figure out LG and RT with guys who are more or less unknowns. If they all work out, you are good and young, but I'm not sure any of them are close to sure things at this point.