I think DA is Getting Year 4

This isnt a soft rebuild though. We have 2 picks in the first 4 rounds. We are headed for another teens draft pick next year when we win 7-8 games.

We have at least 3 problems on the O line. And Ruiz isnt exactly a world beater.
We dont have a true WR1. Olave is a dynamic high end #2. But if we call Olave WR1, who is WR2? Shaheed seems to be a returner and deep threat.
TE is a problem. We'll see if Juwan decides to take a step up, but otherwise we could use a TE1
Carr is an average QB. He isnt good enough to beat teams without more help. And he isnt a guy youd bring through to the other side of a rebuild.
Kamara is getting older and has lost a step. Williams was a bust fa signing, who knows about Kendre Miller

Defense line, we have Old Cam, Chase Young on a 1 year deal and hurt, Granderson underperformed his contract last year. Bresee is a piece. Other than that we need help at DT.
LBs, DDavis has to fall off soon, and is definitely at the age where he wouldnt be part of any sort of rebuild. Werner and Gay could be pieces.
DBs, Taylor is a piece. Lattimore might be dealt, and if he isnt, has been hurt often. Badger isnt a rebuild. No one is writing home about Howden. Adebo might be a piece.

On offense, you have Olave.
On defense you have Taylor, Bresee and maybe Werner, Gay and Adebo.

This is a team that cant do a soft rebuild. They need to trade players with value and get draft picks. This team is built, in theory, to compete next year. We wont compete, but they are going about it as if they can compete. But this team is too old, too hurt and for the most part lacking talent across the board.