I think DA is Getting Year 4

So he is not allowed to build a winner? he just better win because the Saints have always been a perennial 10+ win team.
🦌 said it himself….. “The turkey was handed to me, I just have to cook it”. Those are his words, not mine. He recognized the fact that he was given a blueprint, with an upclose view on how to build a winner. Two years, in the worst division, with an easy schedule. How much easier does he need it? Does he need SP to walk back in the door and set the timer and put the turkey in the oven for him? He’s going on year 3. He’s had his drafts, he got his QB, he has had the confidence of his GM/ownership. We watched other teams have issues last year and they made adjustments to where they got into the playoffs. We stood pat and watched a Baker Mayfield led team, take what could’ve/should’ve been ours. It is 100% put up or shut up time. He’s more than allowed to build a winner, but if the football gods essentially try to hand us the division, then you must seize it. Yet here we are for the 4,584,363rd time having this discussion. Yall don’t get it. We should not be having this discussion if we handled our dang business last year or the year before that. It literally is that simple.