I think DA is Getting Year 4

A few posts later, I said I knew it wasn't just a few fans. Funny thing is, DA is still the HC and gaining momentum while the anti-DA fans aren't getting what they want and are just pouting now. Some aren't posting as much and that's good, it keeps the forum/threads less cluttered.
Not entirely true. We have rolled with the decision that ML made. The heck I got to talk about 🦌 for if his name isn’t brought up about whether he is or is not not a good HC? He’s failed 2 out of 2 seasons. No one can objectively look at those 2 seasons and say “yeah, homeboy killed it…..we are in good hands”. If that was the case (and I’ll say it for everyone in the back) then we would NOT be having this discussion again.
And I will say this again, I was 100% supportive of him when he was hired (even though I wanted Pederson). I cited continuity and his familiarity with the team, with how that was probably a good thing. He sold me on the “turkey” talk. Yet all we got in return (the past 2 years) was a lot of wood chopping, reviewing the tape, and a regurgitation of “keep doing what we are doing”. To quote Dave Chapelle…..it’s like Halle Berry farted in my face