I think DA is Getting Year 4

DA is here indefinitely and I doubt there is a change before he gets 5 seasons or more. He has to deal with the shirtshow SP left behind, complete a soft rebuild, guide the team while ML fixes the books, then be given a chance to win with what comes out the other side with. It's only CJGJ, MT and a few fans that have an issue with DA.
This is the most delusional post I have seen in months.

1. How is SP to blame enterally for the state of the Saints after he left. Loomis, Ireland and many more people who where just as important in team building are still in the building. You can't blame the the current Saints team on SP alone, that's idiotic.
2. After SP left the team choose Allen, because they thought the team was still good enough to compete. Allen's first two years where predicated on the fact that even after SP left the team was still really good and had tons of talent. To be honest what your saying does not even make any sense.
3. The Saints are doing a soft rebuild now, not because SP left them in a bad spot, there doing it because they went for it the last two years and failed. SP did not sign Carr, the fact that the Saints are not all in now is indictive of mistakes made post SP.
4. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence just on this board alone that most fans want DA gone.

Its my opinion that the mess the Saints are now is more on ML and DA and the poor choices they have made over the last two seasons.