I think DA is Getting Year 4

So you’re serious about this, it’s not a joke.
Well, Payton leaving a shirtshow behind? A heck of a team that went 9-8 with a mediocre QB plus three third-string replacements?
What about the cap that ML is managing the same way regardless of the coach; what about the awful drafts, that stayed awful after Payton left.
And don’t mind *lots* of players taking a shot at the coaching staff this past year.
You’re the troll. Your nick is a tipical choice by people who make weird takes and can’t get why they’re disliked. Sorry bro, try having a more balanced point of view.

Who was the starting QB that was left behind? JW, that has to be a joke. Who was the WR room? Callaway and an injured MT, try again. Who was the in the RB room?AK by himself. Yep, try again. Who were the starting TEs? Crickets. The team left behind wasn't as good as the one you remember.

I have a more balanced point of view, the problem is nobody can say anything halfway decent about DA or criticize SP without the Clowns coming out.

Go back and read my post history, my point of view is pretty balanced. I just give the HC a little more support and it doesn't go over well with all of the DA hate. It's cool, I have thick skin. Clown me all you want. With the amount of clowns you hand out, you'd think it was a reward system and helped with your SR.com rating.