Police Shootings / Possible Abuse Threads [merged]

well, anythime they knowingly lie about things, its not gonna look good for them. The dept had to be aware of the video footage and undoubtedly watched it, but still say it was unclear if it was her getting out of the car when they have the audio of an officer saying it was her.
When you have been sitting on the footage of this for 2 years refusing to release it and still not giving the correcdt story, they HAD to know eventually video and audio evidence was gonna be realsed., But they were gonna stick to thier guns and claim officers didn't know it was here.
Do i think it was Malice? no. Do i think the way they seemed to have handled it wrong? absolutely.
They were scared that the father could fire on them and had a hair trigger finger, and at the first thought of danger they just let the bullets fly. they were terrified.
I would never want to be a poice officer, this is one of the reasons. but i can admit that..
Malice in the shooting? No, probably just cowardice.
Malice in the coverup? Abso-freaking-lutely.