Kay Adams: “Saints are still my team. Don’t sleep on them!”

I went to the Rams game. We were utterly embarassed and never had a real chance. Allen made some questionable decisions and was over aggressive. Saints straight looked like trash out there. It was a waste of money to attend and the Saints looked downright pitiful.
Never seen DA look so desperate, some of those 4th down and even 3rd down plays reeked of desperation. Now, if it weren't on a short week traveling across the country and the injuries that we had, would he have changed his game plan? Maybe. I'll give him an out. I've seen SP play that way before and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. DA is not a risk taker but in that game he tried to use the SP model and it failed. Not gonna hate on him for not punting every time or kicking long field goals, because he knew TDs were the only way you beat a hot team at home on a short week.