Would you skip playing in a championship game over religious beliefs?

...but, if for some reason that wasn't feasible, I find it hard to believe that a kids basketball game would truly be some major violation of the Sabbath "no exertion" rule.

EDIT: I read the article again and saw that the Sabbath ends on Saturday night and not Sunday night. That makes the problem a little easier. Play on Sunday afternoon. The CHSAA should make the full accomodation.

I hear you, jpc, and I don't want you to think that I missed your edited addendum, but...

The part in your first paragraph, as also expressed by others, is precisely the problem.

It doesn't matter what you think God does or doesn't care about. That's completely irrelevant. And it doesn't matter what the CHSAA thinks God does or doesn't care about either.

The problem is that apparently that's the CHSAA's attitude. "Chill out, Jews. Seriously, get a life. God doesn't give a crap if you play on the Sabbath. Take it from a bunch of non-Jews. Seriously, we're pretty sure about this. And you know, it might take like 15 minutes of work on our part to accommodate you, so we're thinking nah."

Really, that's just straight up bull****. The more I type on this the more it ****** me off. (As a non-Jewish person who even enjoys blackadder posts.)