I don't really disagree with any of these points.
I just don't think taking it only for weight loss is a net bad thing. I do agree it's not a "best practice" and that lifestyle and diet changes are best.
However, obesity is a mofo, most people I know taking it also changed some behaviors. The weight loss makes it easier to be more active. The confidence the people I know that took it gained by seeing the first 5-10 pounds come off helped encourage then to eat healthier and exercise more.
Taking ozempic specifically for weight loss and improving your diet and increasing exercise is not mutually exclusive, and improvements in diet and exercise do not have to be all or nothing.
Circling back, I think the larger issue is the alcohol dependence.
I'm no fan of the pharmaceutical industry, and I agree with your overall view of American medicine is just basically a pill mill treating symptoms, but obesity itself causes significant medical issue, and I don't fault anyone taking ozempic for the sole purpose of weightloss, even if it is more for vanity than for health, because in the end, if they are less obese, they are healthier for it.
Now you say:
"I also get sick of hearing from fat people that they "can't control their appetite" .... news flash! Not eating whatever the fork you want is hard for everybody who isn't blessed with a phenomenal metabolism. It's called self-discipline. It's not easy for anyone."
and I am all for personal accountability, but this just isn't true. Appetite is controlled by a hormone called Ghrelin and regulated by a hormone called Leptin. People have different biochemistries and people's bodies produce hormones in a spectrum. Both Genetics and environmental factors play a role in hormone production.
Some people are pre-disposed to Hypothyroidism, some Hyperthyroidism, but appetites are absolutely not equal. Some people are literally fat because they can't control their appetite, they may not produce enough Lectin and have Hypothyroidism, they may have Hyperthyroidism and produce too much Ghrelin.
Now I will acknowledge that many americans are indeed fat because of lifestyle choices, nutritionally ignorance, and a lack of self-discipline, but people not being able to control their appetite is legitimately a medical thing, so I try to be cautious of fat-shaming people, even if it's only in my head.