What you watching? - Quarantine Edition

I recorded it and I am singing every word right along to Vienna right now. I've said often the night MY music died was August 27th, 1990; but the albums "Piano Man" and "The Stranger" were my teen years. Four and a half decades later, I can sing every word. Strangely, I've never seen him in concert and don't feel I've missed out. I really didn't know he's played once a month at MSG for the last 10 years.

Buddy of mine saw Billy (w/Sting) last night in San Diego.. He said that Billy made a point to mention that Vienna (which is my favorite Billy song and my second favorite all-time song) was not a single that was released, or a hit song .. which Billy repeated on the special tonight.. Crazy that that song and another favorite of mine, Scenes/Italian Restaurant also was not a released single or hit on The Stranger and yet is now a staple he has to play … For a long time , he didnt play Vienna in concert but by the time i saw him circa 8 or 9 yrs ago it was something he often played, and thankfully he played it the night i saw him.. i have to say, his concert was a life highlight for me, probably in the Top Five nights of my life.. im not greedy; i know many people who’ve seen him multiple times; all i needed was once.. same with McCartney.. saw him when i was 19 from the fifth row on the floor of the Superdome, also a life highlight- but i got to see a Beatle perform live once, and im good .. same with Saints’ Super Bowls, actually .

I also loved what Jerry Seinfeld had to say on the special tonight, which is that “Billy Joel’s songs were like our best friends though our entire lives”..that’s exactly how i feel about his music .